President Clarity Science LLC, Rhode Island, United States
This poster presents a patient case review of a 67-year-old white male with a history of diabetes mellitus type 2 and hypertension. The patient presented with a full-thickness ulcer to the right lower leg, secondary to chronic venous stasis. The wound was a full-thickness ulcer to the right distal leg (Size: 0.8 cm x 1.2 cm) with a second smaller ulcer distally at 6mm diameter. Both ulcers were 100% granulation tissue bases with mild serous drainage and no odor. The patient was previously treated with multiple skin grafts over a year. The ulcer reduced in size but was never fully healed/closed. Lavior Diabetic Wound Gel was applied to entire surfaces and covered with a non-adherent dressing, 4x4 gauzes, Kling, Coban, and Ace wrap. The dressing was changed every 2 days. The patient was treated once a week in an office setting and 2 times a week at home by the patient. The patient was advised to keep bandages on, educated about the importance of edema control, and was also advised to elevate their legs at rest. The ulcer resolved with high patient satisfaction in 2 weeks.