P312 - Misconceptions and Fragmentation: The State of Diabetes Care in America- A Survey of more than 1500 individuals Living with Diabetes & Wearing Diabetes Devices
Saturday, August 10, 2024
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM CT
To discover how people living with diabetes view their current care and what they want to receive, CCSMED partnered with PureSpectrum to survey more than 1500 individuals living with diabetes who have been prescribed a CGM or insulin pump in the United States (US). this poster highlights these Key takeaways: (1) GLP-1 therapy is highly sought after but may not be fully understood. (2) Lapses in clinician communication leave people with diabetes feeling isolated and unsure. (3) Healthcare consumers living with diabetes are open to innovative relationships to augment care. (4) 50% only saw their MD.